Constant Contact Enhances Mobile Offerings through New Integrations

Constant Contact – September 23, 2013

Mobile apps give small businesses new ways to grow their email lists and engage with customers.

...The new integrations offer more ways for Constant Contact customers to stay engaged with their increasingly mobile customer base. Made possible through Constant Contact's AppConnect Development Platform, which provides developers with easy-to-use, open APIs to quickly develop meaningful third-party applications, these new apps include:

RoundBuzzThis integration helps small businesses grow their email marketing lists through location-aware text check-ins. With RoundBuzz, small businesses can collect email addresses by prompting customers to join their mailing list once they check-in to their location. The app also lets small businesses offer customers discounts and rewards for checking-in....

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Online Self-Service Platform Enables Digital Marketers To Launch Powerful Customer Initiated Engagement Marketing Programs

Durham, NC – January 22, 2013 2013

RoundBuzz Launches its Industry First Location Text Check-in Mobile Marketing Platform.

RoundBuzz, Inc., an innovator in location-based customer engagement marketing, today announced the launch of its industry first location text check-in mobile marketing platform. The first of its kind solution allows any business to quickly and affordably launch location aware, customer initiated engagement marketing campaigns.

The Roundbuzz solution solves a critical hurdle in location-based mobile marketing by utilizing text messaging as the engagement channel. By not requiring a smartphone application, business can now reach all of their consumers, not just those with an application while at the same time saving significant smartphone application development costs. In addition, RoundBuzz is available online as a self service marketing platform ( with monthly subscriptions that are affordable for any business.

At the heart of RoundBuzz is a patent pending customer engagement verification system which allows business, for the first time, to use text messaging with complete reporting and analytics. Gone are the days of sending text messages to lists with no understanding of result. With RoundBuzz every campaign results in performance reports which allow the marketer to finetune offers and target segments. Additionally, RoundBuzz’s unique multi-location management console allows marketers to quickly and easily enter new locations, track location performance, and target consumers geographically.

RoundBuzz, Inc., an innovator in location-based customer engagement marketing, today announced the launch of its industry first location text check-in mobile marketing platform. The first of its kind solution allows any business to quickly and affordably launch location aware, customer initiated engagement marketing campaigns.

“We are excited to bring RoundBuzz to the marketplace. Our customers have indicated that mobile marketing solutions are too complex, too expensive, and lack the analytics and reporting that are common place with other digital marketing tools” said John Orlando General Manager of RoundBuzz, “ Our solution provides businesses and marketers a highly sophisticated, easy to use, and affordable mobile marketing solution that literally re-invents the benefits and power of using text messaging as a marketing channel”